Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Previous Activity : Parents Teachers Conference (PTC) Term II

Parents Teacher Conference (PTC) Term II was held on 19TH December 2014. in this conference, teachers gave the students progress to their parents and explained what the children had already achieved at school in term II and what the children had to be increased in next term.

Previous Activity : POTLUCK 2015

Potluck was held on 18th December 2014. Potluck is an activity where students bring foods and drinks, and share it with their friends. The activity was begun with watching movie together and ended with eating their lunch together. The kids looked very happy and had so much fun.


SD Sequoia Nasional Plus has already opened the registration for grade 1. We use Integrated Curriculum of Singapore Method Curriculum and Indonesia National Curriculum. Our Programs are Green Kids Program, Cambridge English Language Assessment Program, Soft Skill and Living Skill. We also have supporting facilities such as Outing, Fieldtrip, Parenting, Swimming, Cooking, and Bank goes to school.

Senin, 26 Januari 2015

Sequoia School New Building

It has been 3 weeks since we moved to our new building at Jalan Aceh No. 6 Bandung. This new building provides some new facilities such as indoor playground, indoor playground, computer room and library. We hope with the new place we can make good memories together that can keep up our spirit in doing school activities.
                                                               Front of the building

                                                                          Front door

                                                          Art and Craft Theme Board


Selasa, 20 Januari 2015


Telah dibuka!
SEQUOIA SCHOOL, Sekolah Dasar Nasional-Plus
DISKON 50% UANG PANGKAL murid baru SD Kelas 1 untuk Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016. 
Segera daftarkan putra-putri anda. Tempat terbatas!
Lokasi gedung baru:
Jl. Aceh No. 6 BANDUNG (masuk dari arah BMC). Info pendaftaran: (022) 92 39 2008

Senin, 19 Januari 2015

Lokasi dan gedung baru Sequoia School

Telah pindah ke lokasi baru!
SEQUOIA SCHOOL, Playgroup, Kindergarten & SD. Nasional-Plus, Jl. Aceh No. 6 BANDUNG (masuk dari arah BMC).
Tel: 022 - 92 39 2008.
Dapatkan DISKON 50% Uang Pangkal. Tempat terbatas.